What is Assembly Language?

Languages are the way to interact with the entities. Such as humans uses several languages to interact with other human beings. But not all humans can understand every other human's language. Same in case of computer(Machine), they can understand the Machine Language easily but not other languages. In case of humans, they can understand English Language easily but not Machine Language.
Machine Language      English Language
011001101000011                   Hello

From above example we can observe that Machine language is composed of 0's and 1's which is difficult for programmer /user to understand easily. Hence the need of programming language has come to existence which shall be understood by Programmer/User.
Asssembly Language is the language which is well understood by the programmer. The only thing we need is the program which will convert the assembly language into the machine language. And the program is Assembler. Assembler is responsible to convert Assembly Language into Machine Language.
Assembler, in actual sense is a software program which is responsible to convert Assembly Language into Machine Language. We can call program written in Assembly Language as Source Code whereas program converted into Machine language is called as Object Code.
Advantage of Assembler is, it is efficient Software program to convert source code into object code. The only disadvantage is we should follow a specific structure/routine while writing a Assembly Language Program. 

This was last updated in Oct 2015
Contributor(s): Prof. Avinash R. Pingale
Posted by: Prof. Avinash R. Pingale